The activities of stores is based on an individual approach to every Customer. Each conversation with a Customer is preceded by a professional diagnose of their needs and a selection of cosmetics perfect for their skin demands. All that is being done to compose a perfect set of home SPA, get visible effects and joy of using healthy cosmetics.
We create products that bring pleasure and want our Customers to feel this spiritual and aesthetic pleasure. We want every Customer of the Organique store to find – with the help of qualified consultants – a product suited for their demands, character, taste or mood.
The Organique stores offer a broad range of face, body and hair care cosmetics. Our rich offer, comprises products created from carefully selected substances, obtained in the most optimal way to maintain their properties.
The chain of Organique stores has been created since 2006, when the first store was opened in Szczawno Zdrój. Since then, we have been developing the chain in Poland and abroad, perfecting their look and functionality.
The Organique stores constitute an invitation to the aromatic world of Organique, where, apart from beautiful scents and juicy colors that soothe senses, the Customer will find the wealth of natural ingredients in cosmetics which compose the unique product offer.
The shops are given character by appropriately chosen lighting and carefully designed interior: furniture, decorations and the well-thought shop window. Products are presented in a way that is clear and interesting for the Customer, while consultants act as their guides and advisers.
The franchise offer for Organique cosmetic store is addressed to those who look for an original way of life and want to develop in an interesting line of business. We are willing to initiate cooperation with people who are able to run an enterprise on their own in compliance with the rules of franchise cooperation (who have their own investment funds). We value experience
of an entrepreneur who has been responsible for his/her budget, subordinate staff and knows the characteristics of the retail market. The awareness, of how essential investing time and commitment to running a store is, is really important to us.
- location – cities with at least 50 000 citizens (shopping malls, city centers and main trade streets with high traffic concentration).
- space – 15-30 square meters in the case of a store located
- systematic participation in training courses, (mostly) aiming at customer service standard improvement.
- cooperation - on the basis of a franchise agreement.
Write us a few words about yourself, your business experience and where the idea of running an Organique cosmetic store came from.